Why am I so perfect?

Publié le par Charly

economical: I like to keep the same underwear for 1 week so less laundry!

comical: I usually fart because of sodas...

silent: I often snore at night

good: I take care of my body by doing many diets...I want to be anorexic! That's why I always intend to make me puke! Damn, I am so kind with myself!

animal lover: I like them with ketchup. (medium-rare please)

far-sighted: When i have diahrrea, I am ill...I have to drink something...Soda!!!!!

sweet-talker: Move your ass, you big cow!

gentleman: Oh honey, I am sorry! I have forgotten my wallet! Could you pay the bill ,please?

modest: I wonder why every woman loves me...

Honestly, I don't like sodas...That's why I am skinny or slender or slim or Fat?! Call me Slim boy Fat!

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Ah... Classe de traduction, c'est superb! Non, j'ai ete arreter mon classe a AF. Alors parce qu'il n'y a aucune classe que je suis intéressé.
Hey Lin, en fait je crois que je suis la seule qui se plaint du commentaire. Haha, MAIS c'est pas la faute du site, c'est moi...(comme d'habitude). <br /> Je suis dans la classe de la traduction, le prof est guillaume. C'est pas mal :) Et toi? Tu continue a AF?<br /> A Charly: je suis d'accord avec bcp de choses tu a ecrit! Mais il y a des hommes avec maquillage maintenant, tu peux essayer! (bah, ca ne veut pas dire que tu as besoin...Peace!)
Ok Hui! je vais me mettre du rouge à lèvres!
LOL! that is very very funny...and some of it is true, lol
Everything is true! hehe
This is weird. The title don't really make sense? Can the real Charles please stand up? LOL Just keep your blog as it is, no need to add anything, it's fine. Although I've seen alot of complains about the "commentaire" option being a screw up, to me it's fine. So it's weird...
I like to be wry with myself...<br /> Well I don't understand why problems appeared in  the comments...