Have i made the right choice to go to Singapore?

Publié le par Charly

when i read that article, i was wondering "Uh, I think i gotta do something for my skin..."

Ang moh, ang moh, ang moh, ang moh, ang moh ang moh ang moh ang moh ang moh ang moh ang moh ang moh ang moh ang moh ang moh ang moh ang moh ang moh ang moh ang moh ang moh ang moh ang moh ang moh ang moh ang moh ang moh....

Kill them all!

Ok I stop it! Please, read that :


PS: as I am a white Singaporean (Does it exist?), i think we gotta kill all ang mohs entering Singapore. They have not the right to please our chicks!!!!!!


PS2: I hate ang moh! A good ang moh is a dead ang moh! ahhahahahhahahah Well i am joking! It's better when they remain in their country! hehe

PS3: another Rambo against all white people... let's read: http://vandalin.blogspot.com/2006/02/ang-moh-vs-asians.html

PS3: "I sometimes think i am a foreigner as i don't think like those guys. Let me explain to you:i don't care whether a French gal  likes a foreigner! If she is happy with him (it can be a Chinese, why not?!), well GREAT for them! 

it seems that foreigners are not appreciated everywhere...

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That's perfectly normal :) I get that kinda S*** over here too, with some dork thinking I'm racist against french... (But now he's okay with it already... weird) Alot of time, it's that they think too much! And the reason they think too much is because they have nothing better to do than to think that much because Singapore is such a boring place! LOL