I hate the French

Publié le par charloroco

How dare they disagree with us? They don't even speak English well! They should keep eating their baguettes and wearing their berets! I am fed up with this beautiful country! It would have been better to invade this country and get rid with the French! Plus, I really don't like the language because it sounds nice when you insult somebody...

Really, Who love the French? They are so pround and irritating! They like doing strikes in their mrt! they are so lazy! Frogs!

" Ah, My Lady, I am French. Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, ce soir'?

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Je crois que tu es loco loco crazy!
Hello catherine!<br /> If I criticize Singaporeans, I think I have to do the same for the French! Otherwise that won't be fair!