Only 2 weeks now...

Publié le par charloroco

Yes, I am flying back to Paris in 2 weeks...I will find out the temperate climate, my beautiful city and so on...I think I will miss Xinjiapo a bit. Yep, when u remain in a place for a long time ( 7months), you begin to get used to it.

Hier Kommt Die Sonne...

When I am back to Paris, I will publish some posts about Singlish, Chinese, Malay and the Tamil Alphabet. Why? Cos I have learnt many things here. I have come to Singapura to know the local culture. I am not a tourist. I am not this type of guy who only stays among other expats. I don't want to be this sort of scum. If you go abroad, It's always better to get acquainted with a few locals, at least!

I can say I an kinda pround of myself...Remaining alone in a very different country...It's good for my ego and self-esteem. I wish I could have studied abroad but It's much more interesting to work abroad according to me! Why? Because you know how things are going on at school whereas in an Asian company, it's another matter! Singaporeans are  really Asians in their behaviour at work. Always respect their chief....I am sure it is very different in Europe....

Singapore is the first country wherein I have felt foreign... " Je t'apprecie Singapour mais je ne t'aime pas!"

Je t'aime Je t'aime Je t'aime Je t'aime Je t'aime Je t'aime Je t'aime Je t'aime Je t'aime Je t'aime Paris!


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